I don't know exactly what a prayer is.
I do know how to pay attention, how to fall down
into the grass, how to kneel down in the grass,
how to be idle and blessed, how to stroll through the fields,
which is what I have been doing all day.
Tell me, what else should I have done?
Doesn't everything die at last, and too soon?
Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life?

from Mary Oliver's "The Summer Day"

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Greetings from the infirmary. . .again

We're still here! And we're still sick, too! Will recovered from his ear infection of week before last only to come down with a stomach bug on Saturday while we were in WV. It didn't last long, fortunately, but he's contracted another stomach bug and is going to be out of school again tomorrow. (I emailed his teacher to let her know that he won't be there tomorrow and in her response she said that Will's other teacher saw him take a drink from her water bottle--he proclaimed it not "fair" that he didn't also have a water bottle. She was out Wednesday with a stomach bug as well. So...we've still got a little bit of work to do on the whole boundaries thing, obviously.) And to continue with the sickness theme, I also have something that causes ghastly congestion and ears that feel like they're going to explode. It's really nonstop fun and excitement (with a side of germs and tissues) around here.

But somehow Laura has managed to emerge (so far--knock on wood) from the miasma of our communicable diseases mostly unscathed, except for the runny nose that she's had for the past few weeks. Which, based on recent history here, means that an ear infection's a-brewing in her little Eustachian tubes. (Those are two of the most poorly-written sentences I've ever been responsible for composing. But I'm leaving it because it's after nine and everyone knows that my mind goes rapidly downhill at this hour and I'm basically too lazy to go back and rewrite them.)

Laura with a yogurt goatee. She's big on feeding herself these days. This morning we caught her scooping yogurt straight out of the container with her hands. Who needs a spoon anyway, right? I kind of admire her resourcefulness.

This is blurry and it's not really The Look that she gives us but I think it captures a little bit of her personality. She's really the funniest baby I've been around. It's one of my very favorite things about her.

I tossed our sheets over the gate from upstairs while I was cleaning up our bedroom this morning and found little Miss Fancy Pants hanging out in them.

And then she couldn't resist lying down in them.

I don't have any pictures of Will to add because he was probably off telling us how something or other wasn't fair and that his life was basically ruined because of it. He actually told me yesterday that he wished he had a better life. I didn't know whether to laugh or give him the standard parental you-don't-know-just-how-lucky-you-are speech. So I went with the laugh (not that he saw me laughing at him, of course). The kid is either going to be a soaring, spectacular success at whatever he chooses to do or he's going to wind up behind bars. Either or. I kid. (Kind of.) In any case, he keeps things interesting around here, as do his various gastrointestinal adventures.

Hopefully everyone reading this is avoiding any gastrointestinal issues of their own...

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