I don't know exactly what a prayer is.
I do know how to pay attention, how to fall down
into the grass, how to kneel down in the grass,
how to be idle and blessed, how to stroll through the fields,
which is what I have been doing all day.
Tell me, what else should I have done?
Doesn't everything die at last, and too soon?
Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life?

from Mary Oliver's "The Summer Day"

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Oh, we're still around...

I'm still on Official Computer Restriction. So I'm breaking my self-imposed time limits this afternoon to show you some obligatory pictures of my children.

I surprised the kids by taking them for a picnic at the playground on the way home from getting Will at school the other day. Their sheer joy at such a small thing made me want to do it a lot more. (Weather permitting, of course, although winter has yet to really show up here except for brief cold periods. We've only had snow once or twice and neither time was the messy accumulating kind. Our brand new snow boots are brand spanking new, two full months into possible-snow-territory.)

Will fully embraces the "big kid" section of the playground now. It seems like it was a few months ago that he was a little hesitant to go down the big slides. (And they are kind of tall.) No more.

Not to be outdone, Sister has to go down the slides by herself now. She still embraces the toddler part of the playground, though. More my speed.

Playing spaceship. There was a complicated navigation pattern that I was supposed to be following (I was the driver, as Will was on the lookout for baby aliens). I don't usually think that Will and Laura look alike until I see them in pictures. Then the resemblance is obvious. Like in this picture.

I found this in the fridge the other day. You just never know, do you?

In other earth-shatteringly monumental news, I got a new steam mop that has really had an embarrassingly significant effect on my life. It really is a game-changer. (Sidenote: Here is where I have to mention that Jamison reviewed the options I gave him and chose one other than my initial choice based on reviews. I would hear about it later if I neglected to say so.) I actually purchased one a few weeks back at Big Lots for a steal and loved it the first day. (I have a love/hate relationship with Big Lots. Right now it's a bit skewed toward the "hate" end of the scale.) However, the second day, the water coursed through the mop and out the bottom at an alarming rate, leaving a huge puddle on the floor. Needless to say, I was not thrilled. But I had seen the Steam Mop Promised Land and I made it my mission to get another one asap. And here we are. Thrilling, right?

And now my steam mop and I have some more mopping to do. 

And PS. Eileen, your thoughtfulness is really overwhelming. I so appreciate your putting me on the traditional African clothing mailing list. In return, please look forward to receiving a catalog featuring lederhosen and such for your visual pleasure. Enjoy and you're welcome!


  1. Um, okay, can you let me know what brand of steam mop passed the Jamison test (as I'm fairly certain it would also pass the Will test who does the EXACT SAME THING. Did we marry the same person or something?).

    Pictures are ADORABLE as always. It is kind of amazing how much just the word 'picnic' can light up a child's face. Kind of amazing and kind of wonderful - I love, love, love the simple style of parenting.

  2. Lucy,

    Sometimes I am convinced that we did in fact marry the same person. In many, many ways.

    Anyhoo, Mr. Research himself deemed the Eureka Enviro Hard-surface Floor Steamer (313A, $60ish)acceptable. The first review on Amazon is by someone named Chandler and goes into verrrrrryyyyy great detail about this particular mop vs. other mops. After you get past the thought that this guy really has too much free time on his hands, it does give you some good info.

    I've used it on two separate occasions thus far and I'm very impressed. The first time it seemed a little too wet but that was mentioned in the review and seems to have worked itself out now. Our floors look much cleaner but they also feel so much cleaner underfoot.

    I really never thought I'd write so much about a steam mop. But it's definitely a purchase I'd recommend. Now we're looking at handheld steamers, if you can contain your excitement. I'll let you know how it goes!

    Happy weekend!

