I don't know exactly what a prayer is.
I do know how to pay attention, how to fall down
into the grass, how to kneel down in the grass,
how to be idle and blessed, how to stroll through the fields,
which is what I have been doing all day.
Tell me, what else should I have done?
Doesn't everything die at last, and too soon?
Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life?

from Mary Oliver's "The Summer Day"

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Sibling baths, some outside time, and helping out around the house

Believe it or not, this is the first time they've been in the tub together. Will is an exuberant bather and I wanted to protect Laura as long as I could. I know this isn't the greatest picture but I think she looks way fatter than she is in this one, which I think is really funny for whatever reason. She's the least fat baby I've ever been around, in fact.

Will was so excited to be in there showing her the ropes. Laura was just kind of confused for the most part. But she soldiered on and I think she ended up liking having a bathing companion.

Can't you see I'm busy here, people? I've got some important calls to make.

My calls were great. They just reaffirmed Mommy and Daddy's assertion that I am very possibly the world's sweetest child. Forever and ever. Case closed.

(You can't see them here, but her two top teeth are finally, finally starting to poke through.)

This picture reminds me of middle school dance photos, with the boy's arms placed awkwardly around his date's waist. Not that I have any of those myself or anything . . .

This was unprompted, I swear. I just happened to capture the half a second that Will decided to be affectionate. He's usually kind of embarrassed to give kisses and requires a little bit of prodding and/or begging.

This may be my favorite picture I've taken of the two of them. It makes me think of how they may look someday far in the future when they're talking to each other about how crazy their parents have become and just how they're going to go about getting us into some assisted living facility. I'm so glad they have each other. There is just no replacement for the lifetime of shared sibling experiences and shorthand that develops between sisters and brothers. Plus there are always those humiliating childhood pictures to remember together. (Hello, bunny costumes. Right Jessie?)

Here is what Will and Daddy have been up to this morning. It's pretty elaborate and involves three different tiers. I think Jamison is more excited about getting Will more tracks for his birthday than Will is going to be when he actually gets them.

Hardwood floors! With a side of mess.

Will is "helping out" with the nails in his wall that need to be removed (by pounding them farther into the wall). He wanted to measure the distance between them. He proclaimed it to be about 29 inches. Close enough.

And now it's time to get to work on that last slipcover. (I'm a very, very accomplished procrastinator. I'm thinking of offering an online workshop or maybe an ebook on the topic.)


  1. I don't know how you would get ANYTHING done with that little Laura smiling at you all day long. She is so cute, it takes my breath away. I can't wait to see her in May!!! And of course, that little Will - wonderfully but completely rotten like my George. Can we just chalk it up to "boys being boys?" Ugh.

  2. I love the newest pictures of the two of them together!!!! Reagan is beyond excited to see everyone this weekend.
