I don't know exactly what a prayer is.
I do know how to pay attention, how to fall down
into the grass, how to kneel down in the grass,
how to be idle and blessed, how to stroll through the fields,
which is what I have been doing all day.
Tell me, what else should I have done?
Doesn't everything die at last, and too soon?
Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life?

from Mary Oliver's "The Summer Day"

Friday, October 28, 2011

Greetings from the infirmary

We're all slightly better-rested and Will is on the mend but there's still quite a bit of this as he catches up on a fairly significant amount of lost sleep over the past week:

In fact, this is exactly what Will is doing as I type, with all of his friends smooshed on our little couch and everyone involved covered up by his down comforter which generally results in him waking up a seriously sweaty mess. He had a follow-up appointment at our pediatrician's office this morning and he still has two infected ears but there has been some improvement, so that's good news.

At least the infirmary is decorated (a tiny bit, anyway) for Halloween, though. This year I went all out (by my definition, since Halloween decor isn't exactly my idea of appealing or tasteful) since Will really enjoys holiday decorations of any size, shape or variety. In fact, I decorated while he was at school one morning a few weeks ago and his reaction when he got home made it well worth the 10 minutes it took me to pull everything out of the basement and put it into the living room. He said, and I'm quoting him directly: "This cracks my head right off!" He was laughing maniacally when he said this, so I'm assuming that having one's head cracked right off is a desirable result?

Exhibit A:  proof that I'm not a total Halloween Scrooge, not to get my holiday metaphors too mixed up.

And Exhibit B. (Please pretend that the small pumpkin on the right is pushed over about two or three inches to the left, right next to the big one. Stuff like that drives me bananas. I can't believe I didn't notice it when I was taking these pictures.) Jamison says that I'm the only person he knows who is capable of making holiday decorating boring. He's probably kind of right. My problem is that I really don't like extra stuff everywhere. I'm not really a knickknack kind of gal, which I guess is code for boring.

And in relation to absolutely nothing else, Jamison sent me a short synopsis of this with the subject line "This is NOT an Onion article." While I shouldn't have gotten a bit of a chuckle out of something so violent, I did have to laugh at the idea of biker dudes hanging out at Starbucks. I've yet to see any at ours and I'm certainly there enough. (Except for this week, as we've only been once due to Will's under-the-weather-ness. The one time we were there,  Laura's fan club  [the world's friendliest baristas] greeted her with such genuine affection and excitement that it made me feel like, even though I know I'm biased and that she's mine and no one will ever, ever, ever feel the same way about her as I do, other people are also naturally drawn to her just-right combination of pure goodness, innocence and sass.)

Happy weekend!

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