I don't know exactly what a prayer is.
I do know how to pay attention, how to fall down
into the grass, how to kneel down in the grass,
how to be idle and blessed, how to stroll through the fields,
which is what I have been doing all day.
Tell me, what else should I have done?
Doesn't everything die at last, and too soon?
Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life?

from Mary Oliver's "The Summer Day"

Monday, April 4, 2011

Birthday boy

I know, I know. I'm a terrible mother for not posting something on Will's actual birthday but we were too busy birthdaying to even think about writing. Will woke up Saturday morning with the knowledge that we were having cupcakes and he would get to wear a crown, which was the subject of much planning and speculation in the preceding days. He also knew that he wanted train tracks and a complex system of racecars, dominoes and obstacles for the dominoes to fall down, over and through. (He got both. And a Curious George compendium that's been in heavy rotation since.)

After beginning to make birthday waffles, our plans were put on hold as our electricity went out for some reason or other, which tends to happen around here every so often, usually at the most inconvenient of times. An hour or so later, Will's waffles were topped with Nutella and a whipped cream smiley face (we were out of syrup), with the smiley face being the crowning jewel of breakfast. His pure delight at something so small was pretty sweet.


Later on, we were talking about what he wanted to do for his special day and he told me he wanted to jump at the "jumping place" with the leaf shape. I had no idea what this meant.

We went to get lunch and ended up at the mall, with the idea that Will could ride the train there and I could get the kids some much-needed warmer weather clothing. As we were walking in, Will shouted that we were at the jumping place.

I looked up and noticed that the mall's entrance has a leaf shape on the sign.

The "jumping place" that Will was referring to is in the food court of this mall. The last time he'd been to this jumping place? Last year. The Sunday before Laura was born. He got strapped into this huge bungy-harness thing on a trampoline but didn't go through with it. Ever since, whenever we pass the mall, he would say that he would jump there when he got bigger.

He was bigger this year. And he certainly remembered the jumping, but he was content to ride the train and romp around the little playground next to the train. (We kind of steered him away from the jumping, admittedly.)


Later, we had cupcakes and he got to blow out his candle and wear his crown. It was a good day on all accounts.


Will has been in a little bit of a difficult place for some time now. We've decided that it's time that we start to accept him for who he is instead of trying to make him into someone he'll never be. (Not abandoning discipline or anything crazy, obviously.) He'll never be perfectly behaved (is any kid, really?), he'll never be exceptionally quiet, and he'll never be all that gentle.

What he will be, what he already is, is full of life and enthusiasm. He is funny and observant and persistent. He is a lover of trains and cars and fast things and movement of any kind.  He is capable of remembering things that we've long since forgotten. He is a thoughtful big brother who tries his best to protect his little sister, to make her laugh and keep her entertained. He is exactly who he is. And he is wonderful.

PS. The pictures in the last post are driving me crazy. I'll attempt once again to fix them but I'm not making any promises...

PPS. A happy belated birthday also goes to Will's birthday buddy Ann!


  1. Yay!!! Happy, happy birthday Will! I love what you said about accepting him as who he is rather than trying to change him. After a particularly difficult day with F&G, that is exactly what I needed to hear. Children are not perfect - thank goodness! Otherwise, everyone would be great mothers...and life would be pretty boring.

  2. happy birthday will... we hope your day was great! we love you!
