I don't know exactly what a prayer is.
I do know how to pay attention, how to fall down
into the grass, how to kneel down in the grass,
how to be idle and blessed, how to stroll through the fields,
which is what I have been doing all day.
Tell me, what else should I have done?
Doesn't everything die at last, and too soon?
Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life?

from Mary Oliver's "The Summer Day"

Friday, April 1, 2011

Celebrating, redux

We're having all kinds of picture problems around these here parts. Attempt #2:

We've been doing a little celebrating around here the last little while, since Laura's big day was Monday and Will's is coming up on Saturday. Four and one. I'm still a little bit shocked that I'm really the mother of a four year old and a one year old.

(Digression: I was looking at a family picture of all of us while I was at my grandparents' house this past weekend. I was in about the 7th grade and, by my calculations, my mom would've been roughly my age. Now that is really hard for me to imagine. When we were moving me into my dorm room at the beginning of my first year of college, my parents looked like they were at least 20 years younger than the other parents around. My mom says she kept thinking that all the parents who were moving their daughters in were just especially helpful grandparents. We still laugh about it. I guess we'll be more in the "grandparent" set when we move Will and Laura in when they start college.)

Now, onto the festivities. We had cupcakes for Laura's actual birthday on Monday. She wasn't exceptionally enthusiastic about them but Will made up for it. Laura's indifference could also be due to the fact that I left out the buttermilk in the batter and they were a bit dry (and the result was a surprisingly heavy cupcake--I think they weighed about a pound each). She did, however, love when we sang to her and looked incredibly sweet in her (too small) crown. Will can't wait for his cupcakes and crown on Saturday.

Before the cupcakes, the kids had their party (yes, they will have joint parties as long as we can get away with it; thank goodness my reproductive organs cooperated and allowed for their birthdays to be so close) last weekend in WV at "the jumping place" as Will lovingly refers to it. He jumped until he was all jumped out, with a brief pit stop for some candle-blowing-out and some cake worked in there.

The party was a huge success, ending with Will proclaiming "I loved my party!" from the backseat just as we were leaving only to realize that we neglected to actually pay for the celebration. (Which wasn't that big of a deal, as the people who own the place know my parents and thus where to find us.) (We did turn around and pay, though, in case you were wondering.)

Will then had a weekend full of cousins, present opening (and horrible behavior, but I don't even feel like going into that right now) and doughnuts. He's been on spring break this week and I've enjoyed not getting everyone in and out of the car a million times for school drop off and pickup but I think Will is looking forward to resuming school on Monday.

Now, for some pictures, beginning with our celebration at home and ending with the party. (Will's cake had a whale on it, which doesn't show up in the pictures. It was a really cute cake, as was Laura's.) I'm having some difficulty with picture placement this morning and Laura has awakened from her nap, so I'm leaving these for now. I may (or may not) fix them later...

Hopefully this will work...finally. (Also, please note that this is my "lesbian" shirt in the background of that last picture and I am aware that it isn't exactly my best fashion choice. I got it this winter and although I've long been a lover of all things gingham and/or checked, I fear that this is a little too early-90s-Seattle-grunge-scene for my solidly Gap sensibilities. I realize that deeming a shirt "lesbian" isn't exactly pc but I lack a better term for it. [It should also be noted that I am staunchly in favor of Americans of all persuasions being given the rights that we heterosexuals enjoy and only mean the term in as endearingly as possible a way. Now that I've clarified that for my huge gay and lesbian contingent of readers...])

I really had no intention of ending this with a section devoted to my views on human rights.

Happy weekend!

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