I don't know exactly what a prayer is.
I do know how to pay attention, how to fall down
into the grass, how to kneel down in the grass,
how to be idle and blessed, how to stroll through the fields,
which is what I have been doing all day.
Tell me, what else should I have done?
Doesn't everything die at last, and too soon?
Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life?

from Mary Oliver's "The Summer Day"

Thursday, September 1, 2011


I didn't really intend to take a nearly-month long blogging hiatus but it just kind of happened. In my mind, at the beginning of the summer, I had visions of leisurely days full of baking, long naps for Laura, finger painting and other messy projects outside, doing yardwork together.

Yeah. Summer means having Will home and that generally means not much in the productive housework department gets both started and finished. Oh, well. He starts school in two weeks (he'll go every day this school year!), though, so I'm hoping that I'll be able to accomplish at least a few small things, despite the fact that Laura will be up and at 'em for the duration of Will's school time this year since she only takes a nap in the afternoon now.

We did find some time today to work in a small project. He picked out wooden cars that had to be assembled and then painted and stickered.

(Side note: "U Can't Touch This" is on the radio as I type. I mistakenly typed "You Can't Touch This" until a quick Googling mercilessly exposed my level of uncoolness. "I've toured around the world, from London to the Bay/ It's 'Hammer, go Hammer, MC Hammer, yo, Hammer'/ and the rest can go and play." Pretty deep.)

Some other assorted happenings around here:

Laura getting a bath in the sink. Please ignore the bad backsplash and shoddy caulking in the background. (I happen to be an expert caulk person. I'll let you guess who caulked this area.)

Will's affection is never gentle. You can see that my mom is at the ready in case Laura needs a swift rescue from her big brother's sweet embrace.

These two characters either really like each other or they really don't. There is no in between.

I got a new bike. We went on a bike ride last weekend and took Laura in the trailer. (Will was in WV with Grammie and Papaw for an extended, blessedly quiet weekend.) We live about two seconds from a really nice bike trail so it was high time we try it out. My new gym habit has sparked a few changes around here, I guess.

During this weekend, we went to Borders and bought a whole bunch of stuff.  It was a little bit embarrassing leaving with bags, boxes and a loaded-down stroller but so worth the 50-70% off everything. (We even unintentionally got a "free" Light Wedge out of the deal. We didn't realize we hadn't paid for it until we looked at our mile-long receipt after we got home and saw that we only paid for the smaller one. Yes, we got two. I told you. Totally embarrassing.)

OK, time to wrap this up. I'll be around here more in the coming days and weeks, hopefully. Summer's almost over, you know.

1 comment:

  1. Yayy! My favorite blogger is back ("Baby Got Back"? To follow up on your "U Can't Touch This" theme of course. A-O!). Will would be in heaven with your new bike habit (and trail next to the house!) - he rode a bike every day at the beach.

    And one final comment - Laura's hair is getting so long! And she is just the cutest little one-year-old I have ever seen. But you already knew that. Happy September!
