I don't know exactly what a prayer is.
I do know how to pay attention, how to fall down
into the grass, how to kneel down in the grass,
how to be idle and blessed, how to stroll through the fields,
which is what I have been doing all day.
Tell me, what else should I have done?
Doesn't everything die at last, and too soon?
Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life?

from Mary Oliver's "The Summer Day"

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Sans rhyme, sans reason

We're on day three of rain and clouds around here so we're all going a little bit crazy. In the meantime, we're on day one thousand (one million?) of construction on the sidewalk and road and pipes and who knows what else directly outside of our house, which results in a beautiful cacophony of scraping, banging and clanging that goes on all day long. Every day, rain or shine. Yesterday, they poured a geyser of cement into a huge gaping hole in the middle of a steady rain, which seemed kind of like a recipe for disaster to me. But what do I know, right?

Laura knows that she is officially over breastfeeding. It's totally 2010 in her opinion. I am not of the same opinion, just for the record.

Will knows that school starts on Monday and he's completely over the moon about it. His teachers visited last week and he showed them his room and also where the carpet used to be in our basement, so he's ready to start the year now that that's out of the way.

I  know that we have developed a Borders problem. It will be an easily-solved problem, though, since I believe they will only be open another week or so. The amount of books and assorted stuff that we've gotten from Borders since their going out of business sale is, like I said before, embarrassing. Not embarrassing enough to keep us away, though, since we're thinking of making one final family trip there to help them along in the seemingly endless process of liquidation.

Here are some other things I know, in no particular order:

1) The spacebar on this computer is killing me. Please excuse any spacing errors that I may not catch.

2) I am in the middle of week six of my putting our gym membership to good use plan. And just like every other time in my life that I resume exercise after a hiatus, I'm shocked to remember how much I actually enjoy it. What I definitely do not  enjoy, though, is the fact that my 32-year-old body is not quite as resilient as my 22-year-old body once was.

(A few other of my gym musings:  Why are the lights turned off for spinning? I have a burning need to know. Also, the whooping and hollering during Zumba. Is it necessary or just a motivational add-on by a really enthusiastic instructor? Finally, is it really possible that some people actually like exercising with others? And conversing the whole time? I don't care if my exercise partner is Oprah or the Dalai Lama, I don't want to hear another person's voice-or my own- during my time at the gym. I get about one hour every other day in which no one needs me, is climbing on me, wants me to read or get something to eat and/or drink, or asking incessant questions about everything under the sun. I'm certainly not going to spend it talking or listening to someone else talk. That probably makes me strange.)

3) Laura has had two music classes so far. She, like her brother before her, is the star of the show, dancing and clapping and generally showing off for everyone. This kind of worries me. How could it be possible that we could have not one, but two, extroverts? I'm telling myself that it's just because she's the oldest one in her class. (Not that there's anything inherently wrong with extroverts, just that her brother is The Ultimate Extrovert.)

4) I have rediscovered my love for (Post) Raisin Bran. Why I ever stopped eating it, I have no idea.

5) For the first time since Laura was born, I have to think about my undergarments, since I've worn a nursing tank every single day since March 28,2010. I never wore one regularly with Will but I also didn't have to do quite as much public feeding with him as I did with Laura.Oddly, I'm kind of nostalgic for them. (I have fed Laura in public in so many places that it's too bad they don't offer some kind of paid certification for it. Feeding Will in public required loads of blankets and props and as much privacy as I could find, in addition to lots of focus and concentration. Feeding Laura in public required merely a free hand and a hungry baby.)

6) I finished one good book last night and started another. More to come on that subject later.

7) If you're looking for a really good lasagna recipe, look no further. This one is delicious and easy. All four members of this family really, really like it and getting everyone's endorsement is really quite a feat. Plus it requires the use of Gruyere, Swiss, cheddar, mozzarella, cream and cottage cheeses. You couldn't possibly go awry with all that cheese, right?

P.S. Sorry for the lack of pictures. I've been a little lax in that area here lately.

1 comment:

  1. You completely crack me up. I love this post because I feel like I just had a conversation with you, which I desperately need : )

    George is addicted to Post Rasin Bran - just so you know should you visit us in ol'Virgini-a you will have many, many boxes to choose from.

    Wasn't State of Wonder AMAZING!?

    Your gym musing are dead on - I am a solo gym-er myself (and a solo runner) and am always fascinated by those who seem to have their BFFs sweating by their side. Maybe they're on to something, but I like my alone time.

    I will DIE laughing if Laura is as extroverted as Will (was that harsh?). It would just crack me up with these two quiet(ish) parents that you two could spawn Jim Carrey and Oprah Winfrey (woah, another Oprah reference...that must be a record).

    Have a fabulous rest of your week!!
