I don't know exactly what a prayer is.
I do know how to pay attention, how to fall down
into the grass, how to kneel down in the grass,
how to be idle and blessed, how to stroll through the fields,
which is what I have been doing all day.
Tell me, what else should I have done?
Doesn't everything die at last, and too soon?
Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life?

from Mary Oliver's "The Summer Day"

Friday, October 1, 2010

Just how weird are we?

Pretty weird. That's the short answer. Allow me to explain.

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Did you hear mangirl squeals of delight yesterday evening, wherever it is you reside? If you did, that would be my husband, who was inordinately excited about this delivery we received on our porch late yesterday afternoon. (While the bins themselves don't seem particularly squeal-worthy, what they hold is enough to bring Jamison home from work before 10 pm.) Can you take the suspense any longer?

Well, suspense no more. They were full of fresh, mainly organic fruits and vegetables, some of which are local. (I know, "eating local" is so ubiquitous and cliched now but in our defense, we've been farmers' market people since our Denver days.) It's a delivery service that we've signed up for and, truth be told, it is admittedly pretty nifty. It's basically like the farmers' market delivered to your door every Thursday. We signed up for a small bin that we'll get weekly and have added milk, eggs and yogurt as weekly staples. You can also add various other grocery items (granola, grass fed meat, canned goods, even onesies and bumper stickers, etc) to your delivery, which we did this week as I'm having a baby-food-making frenzy this weekend. (It really is endless excitement around here, isn't it? Feel free to come visit our House of Fun anytime.) It saves us quite a few trips to the store, though, and that's especially handy when those trips involve two little ones who aren't exactly thrilled to be grocery shopping.

So that's Reason Number One Why We're Weird. Reason Number Two:

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Yes, those are cloth diapers, wipes, covers and our diaper pail liner. Yes, I took a picture of them after I washed them. Why? Because I get a strange sense of enjoyment from cloth diapering. It's way more fun than disposables, despite the added effort of washing, drying, folding and putting them away. I also am just the tiniest bit self-righteous about it. It's not for everyone, I know, but I'm really, really glad we just went ahead and did it.

We'd considered using cloth with Will but it was one of those things we didn't get around to for one reason or another but I knew this time around I needed to take the plunge. It turns out that it's really easy and the diaper covers come in such happy colors and prints that I can't imagine going back to boring old disposables full-time. (Although we do use them at night as I have yet to figure out a way to make cloth work for that long a period of time. In the near future, though, I hope to be using 100% cloth 100% of the time.) And as an added bonus, I got to pick out some cute flannel to make reusable wipes! (I'm by no means a master seamstress but the wipes are so easy to make that I can't imagine there would be anyone who couldn't whip these up themselves. And they also come in handy as burp cloths and tissues if nothing else is available.) And you don't want to get me started on my homemade cleaning products and our soapnuts, in addition to the various nuances of cloth wipes and diapers. I could go on for days. I'll spare you, though.

Moving on, here is something that isn't weird at all:

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Laura is feeling much better now and we can breathe a sigh of relief. She's back to being our little smiley face, for which I'm infinitely grateful. I think I've given her eight million kisses and lots and lots of squeezes to show her how relieved we are.

And, finally, this one is just a little bit weird. (Please excuse the chewed-up granola in his maw.)

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Further proof that he is a strange bird:

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If you look really closely, you will notice something under the door. It's Will, asleep on the wood floor, right next to his door. I could hear him breathing and I thought he was moving something back and forth on the floor or some other sort of activity he uses to amuse himself during his "rest" time. But then I realized what it was. He couldn't possibly be comfortable but it appears not to bother him, since he's sleeping away as I type.

Hopefully your weekend will be a bit more comfortable, though. I'll be back soon!

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