I don't know exactly what a prayer is.
I do know how to pay attention, how to fall down
into the grass, how to kneel down in the grass,
how to be idle and blessed, how to stroll through the fields,
which is what I have been doing all day.
Tell me, what else should I have done?
Doesn't everything die at last, and too soon?
Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life?

from Mary Oliver's "The Summer Day"

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Shhh! Can you hear that?

No? It's the particularly blissful silence that is the result of two children taking virtually unheard-of simultaneous naps. Don't get me wrong, I love the various noises and loudness of both of my babies but a break from it every once in a great while is nice.

It's been a while since I've written anything so I'm having trouble remembering where I should start. I'm also single momming it this week so if I seem more frazzled, that may be part of the reason. Another part of the reason that I could possibly come off as disjointed and/or nonsensical is that I become significantly dumber with each child that I gestate and birth. I'm afraid that if I had another, someone would find me wandering aimlessly in the street, unable to navigate my way back home since my directional and logical thinking skills have been seriously depleted in the last three-odd years. Seriously. Why does this happen?

Anyway, this may not really have a clear focus or good organization, so just bear with me here.

Mom spent the past two nights with us and thus relieved me of the minor hassle of carting poor Laura to Will's school every morning (right at her nap time, conveniently), getting her out of her carseat, taking Will to his classroom, putting her back in her carseat, going home, getting her back out, and getting her in bed for her nap. And then doing the whole series again for pickup time and swimming lessons. I feel really bad for her, since I'm always waking her up early from a nap to go get Will or trying to keep her awake for a belated nap due to some other activity. She's not nearly the sleeper Will was at her age, but I think that these constant disturbances are really taking a toll on her napping. She remains, despite all of this, the very sweetest girl on the planet. Her latest sweet maneuver involves making her little flirt face at whomever happens to be looking at her (while I'm holding her) and burying her face in my neck or shoulder. She's so incredibly different than her big brother, which I still find surprisingly surprising.

Will got a Max and Ruby (Wooby) DVDV (not to be confused with a simple DVD) from Grammie and to say that he's obsessed is putting it mildly. Perhaps our restriction of tv has backfired? Whatever the case, he loves those freaking bunnies. I'm surprised that he hasn't requested to change his Halloween costume from the Cat in the Hat to Max. (Speaking of Halloween, Will isn't quite sold on the hat part of his costume, so he may just end up being the Cat Who Was Supposed To Wear a Hat.) He was supposed to wear a costume to school today but opted out in favor of "regular clothes." I thought he might be sad about it when he saw other kids dressed up, but he wasn't at all. He's definitely a funny little creature. Once his mind is made up, there's not really any convincing him to do anything other than what he's already decided he'll do. (I'm with him on the costume aversion, though.)

Another of Will's new potential vocations: music critic. He has decided that he has a (strong) opinion on every single song we hear on the radio to and from school and swimming. Today approval was given to Rick Springfield and Annie Lennox, with an outright veto of "Paradise City". He also likes rap and country music, which is fitting since he's a dweller in extremes. I'll keep you posted on future likes and dislikes.

While I have other various odds and ends floating around in my brain, I'll stop here and pick up where I left off sometime later. There's probably not much silence left for me to revel in, so I need to enjoy it while I can.

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